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Re: No topic.
Jul 20, 2005, 12:51
I could not agree more Doc and yes it is a shame if nobody can afford to drink there, but the prices are going up al over the place so I guess that one is unavoidable. Loosing the Off Licence (very likely) was avoidable. By the by in your previous post what did you mean by idiots? Also, whilst strictly true it is a blanket term for differing ideologies and beliefs, Paganism does have common fascets through a majority of its forms and is regarded by most as being if not a religion, describable as, being a religion.
As chosing Christianity as an example earlier on this thread I may as well stick with the theme. How many different Christian Churches are there? Just because there are all sorts of different paths up the same mountain.....

Anyhow, it's all a load of bollox!!! LOL
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