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Time Team Live?
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10943 posts

Time Team Live?
Sep 02, 2001, 18:50
So, what do you all think ... good awarenes TV or mindles commercial vandalism?

Luckily it appeared that it was not a sacred barrow, but they thought it was at the outset. Can opening in in the 'interest of science' be right?

I must admit that the stuff uncovered this weekend was truly spectacular and probably added some curious information that will no doubt spur debates into new territory, but was it 'worth it'?
1004 posts

Re: Time Team Live?
Sep 02, 2001, 20:05
Shoot them all...then incinerate the remains. And that's me being considerate to them
401 posts

Re: Time Team Live?
Sep 03, 2001, 15:31
hmmmm- yeh-hmmmmm.
Really not sure 'bout this one. I must admit that I've watched Time Team since it started and am a sucker for any archeological/ancient historical programmes. I found TT live interesting, but I feel uneasy watching burial or sacred sites being stripped and all subsequent finds removed to some dusty museum archives devoid of their original magick and power. I don't think the majority of folk that watch TT would feel the same way, but at least these programs are on, getting people interested in the ancient (and more recent) history of these isles.
2709 posts

Re: Time Team Live?
Sep 15, 2001, 16:43
hawks the usual big fat greenie on time team.
the lawrence poncy-boy bowman of the archaeological world.
and thats putting it mildly
Pete G
Pete G
3506 posts

Re: Time Team Live?
Sep 15, 2001, 18:25
Where were they when Silbury collapsed?
When we actualy needed archaeology in three days they were no where to be seen.
Every post I put on their forum was removed promptly.
I don't see why they have to rush into these digs.
The archaeology is not going anywhere and they prat around
to a 3 day time table.
72 posts

Re: Time Team Live?
Sep 17, 2001, 18:19
Totally in agreement with you Pete G. A three day timetable is such a load of crap. It puts pressure on the whole job when time and attention to detail is what's needed most. If they had ten to fourteen days it still might only be long enough and I always think that they miss out on the bigger picture with such pathetic time constraints. Most of the programmes seem like a job half done. Jobs for the bloody boys.
Pete G
Pete G
3506 posts

Re: Time Team Live?
Sep 17, 2001, 21:18
Another thing is, when they found the roman villa complex at Chedworth there was months of work left to do by local archaeo's without a budget to handle the find properly.
The TV coverage just attracted NightHawkers, idiots with metal detectors who work at night and sell the finds.
When TT did york locals had to carry on the dig and all the good stuff turned up under the TT caravan site.
Don't get me started on Temple Cloud with the victoria rubbish pit they spent 3 days digging up and ignoring the 'bumps in the next field'
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: ...and some jam
Sep 17, 2001, 23:32
The whole Time Team thing really reminds me of Eddie Izzards Speed-Archeology
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