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Megalithic Poems
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chris s
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Re: The Future
Oct 09, 2006, 13:32
Hear, hear....tis surely part of the all encompassing interest, ce n'est pas?
In answer to your question, Mr. Littlestone, guess I do have a notebook full of'em....only recently back online, noticed this thread and it whetted my curiosity, given that I moved back to Cornwall this year, have an English Lit degree, a penchant for poking round in local studies libraries and am a megalithophile......obviously there's plenty of poets and writers down here who've written at length on the subject, since dear ol' Borlase....

Further ideas for research:
- Not strictly a megalith, but there's a Ted Hughes poem by the name of "Great Bride Stones", referring to the tor above Todmorden, Yorks, certainly part of the megalithic landscape....
- I'd be really surprised if the Swindon born Victorian agrarian writer Richard Jeffries hadn't penned someting about Wayland Smithy &c. Almost everything by him is out of print....anyone Wiltshire based fancy a lil' research?
- And howsabout other Yorkshire/Lakeland poets? Anything from Wordworth, De Quincey, Southey, Simon Armitage &c?
- Those with a more modern psychogeographical edge may want to consult the works of Iain Sinclair & Brian Catling

Me? I'm off to dive into another dusty old tome...happy hunting!

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