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The News Benders
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Edited May 12, 2020, 17:30
Re: The News Benders
May 12, 2020, 17:28
I am using my brain..because if I don’t..someone else will.

You know how places have “we will not tolerate any bullying or abusive behaviour towards our staff” signs..I think the time might be ripe in some cases, not all, for us to remind retail outlets that WE the customer will not tolerate it from them either. I’m sure everyone by now has experienced some ‘friction’ at some point when out. It’s all become rather dehumanising hasn’t it?

Rich soil for narcissists.


Anyway, most of what I’ve posted of late has been from medical professions giving their thoughts on the matter.

On this particular thread it crossed my mind to get a theme going.. ‘when the BBC got something right’..(nearly)

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