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Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 23 February 2014 CE
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Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 23 February 2014 CE
Feb 23, 2014, 19:58
jb lamptoast-morsley wrote:
Did you see the Culture Show special? Not sure if it is still on iplayer

No, but will look out for it, cheers!
jb lamptoast-morsley
jb lamptoast-morsley
2448 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 23 February 2014 CE
Feb 23, 2014, 20:04
M83 - Dead Cities, Lost Seas and Dead Ghosts
Ninja tunes sampler from 2004
Nirvana - Unplugged in New York. I think this is the best thing they ever did and i regularly pick this one out from my 'N' column!
Mansun - 6
Joanna Newsom - Took quite an aversion to this, as it seemed far too wordy, like how Bob Dylan can get without tapping into anything resembling a tune. Wasn't that keen on the Van Dyke Parks orchestration ever
Massive Attack - Mezzanine. I think this album gets their best rating on RYM, and it certainly has plenty of moments. The first 3 songs for instance - angel, rising son and teardrop

Now listening to Lisa Knapp on the Tom Robinson show. She won best song at the folk awards recently

Oneida - Collisions 2 (with Mugstar)

Wild Beasts - Two Dancers. Still stands up to scrutiny
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 23 February 2014 CE
Feb 23, 2014, 20:23
Yes - Keys to Ascension (studio tracks)/Magnification. Lovin' these.

Crystal Fighters - Star of Love
Diagonal - ST
Ghost - Opus Anonymous. Hadn't played in ages. Love it so.

Moon Duo - Mazes. Currently 99p on Spamazon! Sort of depends on you liking the initial riff on each tune. Fortunately, I do!

Warpaint - The Fool. Very splendid. Only just got a copy of this from local 2nd hand place and it's been a long time coming 'cos I've seen them a couple of times and thought "Wow, I really like these" but then didn't get the album. D'oh! Anyhoo, I think it's quite wonderful. New one just out?

Rannoch - Between Two Worlds
Taint - The Fall of Nova Roma
High on Fire - The Art of Self Defence
Blue Aeroplanes - Anti Gravity
Dirt Wizard - No Son of Mine
Valve Rider - Bring it on Heavy
Starsoup - Bazaar of Wonders
Get The Blessing - Lope and Anti-Lope
Oruga - st (Nice french doom sludge!)
Opeth - My Arms Your Hearse.
Saviours - Death's Process
Inspiral Carpets - Revenge of the Goldfish.

Have a nice week sound sniffers! x
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 23 February 2014 CE
Feb 23, 2014, 20:26
IanB wrote:

Posies - Frosting On The Beater
TPOH - Love Junk

Power pop metal ecstasy! Add Urge Overkill's "Saturation" and you have a holy trinity.
Squid Tempest
Squid Tempest
8769 posts

Edited Feb 23, 2014, 21:29
Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 23 February 2014 CE
Feb 23, 2014, 21:25
Cult of Dom Keller - The Second Bardo
This is ace - a big beaty monster. Like a more organic Dead Skeletons.

Hawkwind - Parallel Universe
Strawbs - Grave New World
Family - Music In A Dolls House
Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains the Same

Rolling Stones - Get Yer Ya-Yas Out
This sounded great turned up loud on the hifi. Reminds you of why they were looked on as such a great live band.

Kathryn Williams & Niall MacColl - Two
This is lovely. Like the version of Innocent When You Dream (one of my favourite Tom Waits tracks).

Leonard Cohen - The Complete Studio Albums Collection
A lot of Leonard for your money. 11 albums. I thought it was about time I got to know his music and this seemed like a good opportunity. I'm slowly working my way through, trying to savour them rather than gobble it down (as it were).

Cosmic Jokers - Sci Fi Party
Dreamtime - S/T
Kindom of the Holy Sun - Surya's Smile II
The Ocular Audio Experiment - S/T
Pysramidal - Frozen Galaxies
1123 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 23 February 2014 CE
Feb 23, 2014, 22:29
Bit of a Nordic theme chez Fatalist this week…

Motorpsycho – Still Life with Eggplant / Timothy’s Monster. Didn’t get SLWE when it came out last year for some reason (well, OK, it was the slightly mad Death Defying Unicorn which had temporarily stymied my enthusiasm for MP). Opening track is fantastic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NqmxF_GuGE There’s other good stuff too, but it’s a bit meander-y. Listening on Spotify, so I thought I’d also check out TM, their big breakthrough album in Norway from the mid-90s – it’s of its time in a post-grunge, pre-Radiohead way, but this mellotron-augmented epic is rather good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAg6h-yYtSQ

Bushman’s Revenge – Thou Shalt Boogie! Fellow Rune Grammofon labelmates with MP. RG produces a ridiculously high quality stream of this type of jazz/rock/prog/skronk stuff, and this is an excellent example of it. Nice title too.

Krokofant – s/t. Ditto the above, though this is a bit more free jazz heavy.

Bly de Blyant – Hindsight Bias. (Mostly) Icelandic. Eclectic. Pleasant. Unlikely to sell in large quantities.

Ulver/SunnO))) – Terrestrials. Kind of as you’d expect, but actually better than I expected.

In other realms…

The Wyrding Module - Mellifluous Ichor from Sunless Regions. This is pretty great in a faux occult, Wendy Carlos-worshipping way. Download (legally) for free here: http://www.upitup.com/catalogue/release.php?cat_id=62

Pink Floyd – More

Listen With Father:

VA – Sound of the Suburbs. Finally got through all of this. Possibly controversial on this forum, but for me, “Reward” remains the greatest thing that TE did by a country mile.

Blondie – Atomic, best of. Yet again.

More Beatles. My research indicates that children are hard-wired from birth to like chips, say “no” to every sensible suggestion you make, and know all the words to “Yellow Submarine”.

Belbury Poly – From an Ancient Star. I love Belbury Poly.

Cocteau Twins – Head Over Heels. Goth/prog/post-punk that still sounds amazing and quite unlike anything else, before it all went chocolate box dream pop.

Clinic – Internal Wrangler. Garage rock exotica, perfect for kids.

Durutti Column – Obey the Time. I know very little about DC, but I’ve always loved the sinister minimalism of this track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzD_ew_0_3M

VA – Vertigo Mixed
keith a
9577 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 23 February 2014 CE
Feb 23, 2014, 22:53
Abbey Road – The Beatles
Space Gallery 27-01-2007 & Sahara Club 28-01-2007 – Big Blood
Photos Of Photos – Carlton Melton
Blood On The Tracks – Bob Dylan
The Best Of... - The Impressions Featuring Curtis Mayfield
The Immaculate Collection - Madonna
Tubular Bells – Mike Oldfield
Après – Iggy Pop
Leave Home – The Ramones
Raven In The Grave – The Raveonettes
Off Duty + Boat Trip – Sun Araw
Abattoir Dogs (Vox) – V/A

The Sound Of The Phantom Whistle - Actual Taped Voices presents Phantom Whistle
Cat People – David Bowie
The Love Is Lost - David Bowie
Expanding Dub – Bill Callahan
II RMX - Follakzoid
Reprise - Gold Panda
New Roof EP - Karen Gwyer
The Abbey Road EP - Spiritualized
Treason – Teardrop Explodes
6664 posts

Edited Feb 23, 2014, 23:30
Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 23 February 2014 CE
Feb 23, 2014, 23:23
Been dubbing vinyl to hardrive for the first time in a few years in preparation for a lend fo an lp from a friend. So been listening to some singles I picked up largely in the 80s.

High TIde Baby Dancing/Letter From A Coward
young Psychedelic revival band from the turn of the 80s, put this out on an Indie label called Sunday Morning presumably after the Velvets song. I hear Velvets in the b-side not so much on the a.
Baby Dancing has been a record I've loved since I bought this. I've been meaning to dub this for years but last time I had the USB turntable connected it can't have been earthed properly so kept on screwing up, which is why I haven't used it since. But seems ok now.

Folk Devils Beautiful Monster 12" e.p.
4 track with extended version of teh title track.
I really liked this band at the time. Vitriolic punky rockabilly influenced stuff that wasn't linked to the psychobilly scene and seemed to be more influenced by The Fall possibly.
This also has Art Ghetto, Brian Jones's Bastard Son and Nice People on all of which are pretty great.
I also dubbed the Hank Turns Blue single which i think was their debut and is even more thrashabilly. Advocating the effect of a heroin o.d. as a career move to an unsuccessful singer.

Bugblot Steeple e.p.
Great guitar stuff from a trio lead by an American I used to be acquainted with. I think he also played guitar with jah Wobble on occasion and hung out with the Gaye Bykers oN Acid if I remember right.
This is pretty psychy indie stuff I particularly like the song Started Going Out which was what I bought it for I think.

Viva Saturn s/t mini lp
1989 set by a band including the Roback brothers several years after the Paisley Underground scene had pretty much ended. This maintains some of that sound as well as more semi acoustic stuff. Can be a little Saccharine but I think it delivers on a few tracks.

Cramps Weekend On Mars
One of my favourite tracks by the band but relegated to a live version on the b-side of a single. B-side to Gorehound.
Kid Congo era, released in 1983 just before he went back to....

Gun Club Sympathy For the Record INdustry single
this has the Dotson/Ritter/Graham line-up on one side 'Walking With The Beast which had been the b-side of the Fire Of Love single and otherwise only released in the band's existence in a recording made by the post '86 line up on Pastoral Hide and Seek. I like this early version
Other side is Secret Fires which was the Kid Congo/Morrison/Graham line up and wound up as a bonus track on the SFRI reissue of Las Vegas Story so I don't know why they didn't stick Walking on the Miami reissue. Not sure where you can get taht particlular recording these days since this single is presumably long gone.

Moodists Enough Legs To Live on
Red Flame single by this Australian group. I don't know why it was overlooked when they compiled Two Fisted Art, actually just found out that the b-side is on there which I should have known.
This does still feature the metallic textures of Mick Turner who left pretty soon after which was a shame cos he combined really well with the rumbling bass of Chris Walsh.

Ut s/t & Confidential e.ps
the 2 e.ps put oout on the Out label in 1984 before they started releasing things on Blast First. I had the Conviction lp too not sure if I still do.
arty No-Wave stuff by the band who'd relocated to the UK by this point.

Playn Jayn Friday 13th attendance single
Chamber Door and an instrumental version called Mezcal which were given away as a 7" to people who went to the gig recorded as the band's live lp.
I think it's long since time that somebody reissued the band's material on cd.

non vinyl rip stuff

Seeds Raw & Alive 2cd
Been listening to both discs of this over the last week. & think that the screams mixed onto the faux live lp add a certain something. Maybe I'm just really used to them , though probably shouldn't be I've been neglecting my Flower Punk box of their recordings way too long.
The set does sound pretty good in its original undubbed state as you hear on the first version here.
The actual live lp also sounds pretty good though you can hear that Sky's vocals do veer away from perfect pitch quite a bit in places which is why it wasn't released up til now.

Have they Got Hashish in Hell?
4cd of Rembetika material largely from the 30s so contemporary to most recordings of delta blues of which they were something of a Greek equivalent. Very touching stuff though for the most part I don't know what they're singing about. It's all greek to me.
Anyway glad I grabbed this, been wanting to get into this kind of stuff for years.

Barefoot Jerry Watching Tv With The Radio on/You Can't Get Off with Your Shoes on
Stoner country stuff that can get pretty psychedelic in places. A bunch of country session men who had also been involved in the Area Code 615 project also formed this later band.
I'm hoping that the 1st 2 lps by this bunch are going to appear in a similar set some time in the near future.

Got hold of another walkman and filled it with different material to the one I've been listening to for the last couple of years so that's an interesting experience. A continual personal radio station of music I'm half familiar with and having to check all the time to find out who is playing.
Hadn't realised Spirit were quite so heavy as I found out earlier tonight.

Have watched 3 serieses of Boardwalk Empire since the last time I did one of these. Mainly been sitting making stuffed animals and watching things on the tv through a memory stick.

Orphan Black
not got that far with this so far. I watched bits of it while it was showing a few months ago and wanted to catch up with it.

Monument Men,
more of a nothing film than I'd hoped.

trying to read up on basics of how to make men's clothing. Seems to be a lot more about women's out there.
Getting int using sewing machine and always wanted to know how to make things. Wonder how long it took the MC5's girlfriends to get as good as they did.

think I'll end there
1016 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 23 February 2014 CE
Feb 24, 2014, 05:46
Underworld- barking
Freur- door doot
Judas Priest - painkiller
Sabbath - 13
Talking heads- remain in light
Yello- flag
Fela kuti- black president
Rush- vapor trails
Lords of the new church- 1 st album
Box car willie - greatest hits
Slim Whitman - greatest hits
Doris day - greatest hits
Ween- 13 country hits
6761 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 23 February 2014 CE
Feb 24, 2014, 09:34
Moon Cat wrote:
Warpaint - The Fool. Very splendid. Only just got a copy of this from local 2nd hand place and it's been a long time coming 'cos I've seen them a couple of times and thought "Wow, I really like these" but then didn't get the album. D'oh! Anyhoo, I think it's quite wonderful. New one just out?

The new s/t one is cracker. A west coast-esque take on the Landshapes thing. Lovely bass playing. Shame you never got to see Keebo as they were in the same league as those two but they split up before they really got very far out of the London hipster scene.
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