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jb lamptoast-morsley
jb lamptoast-morsley
2448 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 3 Novembre 2013 Common Era
Nov 04, 2013, 16:08
oh and has your birthday been and gone, or is it imminent?
jb lamptoast-morsley
jb lamptoast-morsley
2448 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 3 Novembre 2013 Common Era
Nov 04, 2013, 16:13
Thanks - what's the story with Discogs? Heard the name banded about but wasn't sure about what they do?
845 posts

Edited Nov 04, 2013, 17:52
Re: Soundracks of Our Lives week ending 3 Novembre 2013 Common Era
Nov 04, 2013, 17:52
Robot Emperor wrote:
IanB wrote:
riverman wrote:

Rautavaara: Canctus Arcticus. Orchestral music and taped arctic birds.

I love that music. What recording have you been listening to? I have the Naxos one with the Royal National Scottish Orch. Would be interested to have a comparison recording.

For whatever inexplicable reason this is one of my favourite pieces of music. I have the Naxos disc and the recording by the Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra on Catalyst. Although the Naxos recording is wonderful - and by far the better value - the Catalyst shades it. A better, deeper sounding recording. I also prefer the other pieces on the disc (String Quartet No. 4 and Symphony No.5 over the (Bruckner lite) 3rd and more modernist piano concerto 1 on the Naxos disc, unfair prejudice on my part. Think your taste and knowledge of classical music far broader than my own but get the other recording if you see it.

Only the Naxos disc is easily available. Royal Scottish National Orchestra (probably sic)have done a few of these Rautavaara recordings for Naxos. Can recommend the Symphony No.7.

Agree about Symphony 3 but I like the piano concerto which should have been on my soundtracks list. I gather from what I've read his symphonies get interesting from the 4th - the 7th is marvelous.
845 posts

Re: Soundracks of Our Lives week ending 3 Novembre 2013 Common Era
Nov 04, 2013, 18:02
IanB wrote:
riverman wrote:
I also want to investigate Takemitsu.

please let me know what you find as I only know a couple of his film things.

Will do - but it will probably have to wait for a little while! I've been exploring writings on music and landscape which is what led me to Canctus Arcticus (not landscape as such but nature of course) - Takemitsu has some water related pieces which is what I was interested in hearing e.g. Riverrun.
So following up your other post about exploring classical music I've found I'm doing it through nature and landscape (with some critical views provided by Schonberg's Lives of the Great Composers).
845 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 3 Novembre 2013 Common Era
Nov 04, 2013, 18:14
Monganaut wrote:

Grails - Black Tar Prophecies 4,5 & 6
Not really gotten under my skin. On initial listens it's all a bit Radio 2.
Mind you, i've yet to fully absorb Deep Politics, which I know some HHer's rate highly. For Me, Burning Of Impurities is the one to beat, this don't come close.

Oh no - so first my girlfriend (who likes Grails) describes Invitation to Ruin as sounding like Coldplay and now the album's a bit Radio 2! My critical faculties have gone!! I'm really enjoying the album but I agree it's not Burning Off Impurities but then I don't think it's meant to be - in that it sounds like they're very much chilling out (ok, it's Radio-2 like) rather than trying to burn off impurities (Emil Amos never lets rip on the drums on BTP4-6). Enjoy the hills!
2387 posts

Edited Nov 04, 2013, 18:46
Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 3 Novembre 2013 Common Era
Nov 04, 2013, 18:46
Ha ha, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with your criticl facalties, I guess you could put it down to being more open minded than me. Only played the record a few times, and I agree it's deffo a chilled one for Grails, but no bad think. Just gotta adjust my preconceived ideas 'bout them and go with the flow. It's not bad, just wasn't what I was expecting. (Ditto Young Knives recent album, wasn't the usual angular, urgent, slightly awkward noise I've come to love. They've gone in a more electronic direction, and on repeat listenings, i gotta say, it kinda works.)

Just looking forward to when the G boys hang there balls out again is all.
6761 posts

Edited Nov 05, 2013, 10:21
Re: Soundracks of Our Lives week ending 3 Novembre 2013 Common Era
Nov 04, 2013, 19:00
riverman wrote:
IanB wrote:
riverman wrote:
I also want to investigate Takemitsu.

please let me know what you find as I only know a couple of his film things.

Will do - but it will probably have to wait for a little while! I've been exploring writings on music and landscape which is what led me to Canctus Arcticus (not landscape as such but nature of course) - Takemitsu has some water related pieces which is what I was interested in hearing e.g. Riverrun.
So following up your other post about exploring classical music I've found I'm doing it through nature and landscape (with some critical views provided by Schonberg's Lives of the Great Composers).

ok! if you are interested in music and landscape you might want to check out Alaskan composer John Luther Adams. There is a good chapter about him in Alex Ross' last book but "The Place We Begin", "In The White Silence" or "The Light That Fills The World" is a good place to start. "The Place We Begin" is like "Odin" meets Burial. In Alaska. Minimalism would not do it justice. His work is the definition of glacial.

This is a nice intro film ...


from this project


6761 posts

Edited Nov 04, 2013, 19:13
Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 3 Novembre 2013 Common Era
Nov 04, 2013, 19:07
Robot Emperor wrote:

Rory Gallagher - Calling Card, Deuce, Irish Tour 74, Top Priority. I really do not like Blues Rock, despite the amount of it that I seem to mention on these threads. For me The Groundhogs were the only band that made something consistently interesting out of this music. So Rory Gallagher is a bit of a problem for me because these are firmly blues rock and confirm all my prejudices about clichés etc and they are also excellent. Ferocious in places. There is a point where the execution is so great that the music transcends its own limitations.
These are all new to me as I would not knowingly seek out this kind of music. There is a vet at work who is a fellow music obsessive. We pass cd’s to each other to our mutual incomprehension, I can live without Accept and he appears unmoved by Motorpsycho or Smoke Fairies. But he hit the spot with these. Excellent. Any recommendations warmly received.

I have been on a Rory binge too after hearing Ian Rankin on Front Row. I saw him a few times in his pomp and the live albums I think largely trump the studio efforts. Also the studio records don't play up the beauty of his mid-show acoustic sets. Yes, it is Blues Rock at close to its most basic but the ferocity (while maintaining a soulful touch at speed) is indeed what makes it work. The band barely hang on to his coat tails and that's fine as they are there to support not compete. Wheels Within Wheels a postumhous collection of acoustic music is well worth a listen. If you can find Hammersmith '77 on line that that is a great add-on to the two essentials, Irish Tour and Live In Europe. The solo on the live version of A Million Miles Away on Irish Tour is one of my favourite rock guitar solos. He gets in the pantheon for that alone I reckon!
6224 posts

Re: Soundracks of Our Lives week ending 3 Novembre 2013 Common Era
Nov 04, 2013, 20:07
I have no idea what they're up to at the moment, and haven't seen Chameleon Vox. Must try harder.

The two acoustic ones are great, I particularly love the version of "Soul In Isolation" off Strip, with the "Dear Dead Days" ending in full.
6224 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 3 Novembre 2013 Common Era
Nov 04, 2013, 20:08
Sunday. It's a round number one.
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