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Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 21 July 2013 CE
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keith a
9577 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 21 July 2013 CE
Jul 21, 2013, 23:27
Future Days – Can
Not my favourite Can LP – Spray and Bel Air are a long way from being my fave Can tracks – but I love the title track and Moonshake with its funky rhythm and funny percussive noises is ace!

Flatlands – Dr Robert
I've been playing Dr Robert and Blow Monkeys stuff (I've also played Diggin’ Your Scene /It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way / La Passionara / Travellin’ Soul singles this week) a lot since I saw them put in an ace gig a couple of weeks back. This album includes the wonderful I Guess This Is Goodbye which is one of the greatest heartbreak songs ever AFAIC.

It Swept Across The Open - Seabuckthorn
I played the last Seabuckthorn album, In Nightfall, a lot so I've been meaning to get this 2012 follow-up for some time. I've only heard it the once thus far but it’s sounding pretty good. Strangely enough it reminds me of Gordon Giltrap’s Visionary LP at times. That will probably put some people off it but I've always had a soft spot for that 1976 album.

The Best Northern Soul All-Nighter Ever – V/A
Especially Sweet Talkin’ Guy and the almost Sly-like So Is The Sun by World Column, neither of which sound particularly Northern Soul-like to me.

Unearthed: Liverpool Cult Classics Volume 3 – V/A
Another I've been meaning to get for ages. I liked Vols1& 2 but as this didn’t have Cope on it I didn’t get round to getting it till now. This is another that I've only heard the once so far but there are some interesting Merseyside obscurities here.

Homegoing – Cristal
A Long Way To Fall - Ulrich Schnauss
jb lamptoast-morsley
jb lamptoast-morsley
2448 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 21 July 2013 CE
Jul 21, 2013, 23:32
Good on you Keith. They really are fabbo
1016 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 21 July 2013 CE
Jul 22, 2013, 04:42
Not a lot of time for music as my wife and kids and I are pulling up stakes in Los Angeles and heading for the hills so to speak.
Sound of urchin-you are the best
Judas priest-ram it down
Gary numan-pure
Various-punk and disorderly vol 1
2387 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 21 July 2013 CE
Jul 22, 2013, 14:46
RE: Grails. You gotta check out 'Burning Off Impurities'. For me their unsurpassed and greatest record so far.

Drummer Emil Amos has a great solo/side project called Holy Sons whose albums 'Decline Of The West' and 'Criminal's Return' are must haves too.
jb lamptoast-morsley
jb lamptoast-morsley
2448 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 21 July 2013 CE
Jul 22, 2013, 15:11
OVAVU - you speak the truth. Even my trusty companion, mr rateyourmusic, the friend to the lazy music lover concurs. Incidentally have you checked out lilacs & Champagne? Another side project from some grail or nother. Didn't mind their eponymous release
845 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 21 July 2013 CE
Jul 22, 2013, 15:23
Monganaut wrote:
RE: Grails. You gotta check out 'Burning Off Impurities'. For me their unsurpassed and greatest record so far.

Agree regarding Burning Off Impurities, probably the one I'd recommend first as well but I consider Deep Politics their other masterpiece.
861 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 21 July 2013 CE
Jul 22, 2013, 15:39
As a fellow Angeleno, curious as to which hills you run to?
1016 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 21 July 2013 CE
Jul 22, 2013, 16:50
moving from Whittier(about 30 min east of downtown) To Big
Bear lake(about 2hrs east of Whittier)
2387 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 21 July 2013 CE
Jul 22, 2013, 18:55
Cheers for the heads up Re: lilacs and champagne, not heard of them, and as I'm a sucker for anything Grails related, I'll be checking them out tout suite.

Incidentally, there is yet another Grails member with a really cool Eastern scales influence solo effort, Zak Riles self titled album is a great companion to Burning Of Impurities, as the seeds to a few of the tracks appear it.

Also, another great record (where I heard Zak Riles originally) is the Rough Trade Psyche Folk 10 album.

Cheap second hand copy here... well worth a punt.

jb lamptoast-morsley
jb lamptoast-morsley
2448 posts

Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 21 July 2013 CE
Jul 22, 2013, 23:19
ooh you're a bad man... i've now ordered decline of the west, burning off impurities and Psych Folk 10 with money i barely have (plus goat and ultrasound seeing as i was in the splurging mood). Had quite a bit of a listen to that Holy Sons album and thought it was the best thing i had heard in some passing of time. Like a psychfolk Steve Mason or something very much like that statement. I've just found myself a new family to explore. Hooray!
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