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Songs That Were Ahead of Their Time
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Edited Feb 14, 2012, 11:20
Re: Songs That Were Ahead of Their Time
Feb 14, 2012, 11:15
Andfurthermoreagain wrote:
Alternatively, he may have bought it some time after its release date...

I did think that - and was more than a little economical with the truth by claiming 'on the day they came out'. Given that he has boasted to being the most on-the-punk-ball kid on his estate, it wouldn't do the story any good for him to admit he bought Anarchy more than 6 months after it came out ha ha


He would have been extremely lucky to find a copy of the EMI single anywhere six months after it was released! Anarchy came out on my birthday (which is I why I remember the release date) and it was of course deleted not long (about a month IIRC) after Grundy. Unless it was one of those import ones that came in from France there would have be nothing much in the shops to buy in terms of Anarchy 45s in 1978.
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