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3155 posts

Mar 30, 2012, 15:44
I keep telling myself that if only New Labour would shake off it's right wing mantle, people would flock back to it. That the near indistinguishableness of the mainstream parties means a seething mass of resentment and anger, mixed with cycnicism and apathy.

Time after time though, people keep proving me wrong.

So it was good to see Respect give the mainstream parties a good hiding.

It was headlined as "Labour Get Trounced" but the Tory and LibDem vote also took a hammering.

The labour candidate blamed the exposire given to Galloway by his appearence on Big Brother.

I had to laugh. The good folks of Bradford West would rather vote for some obnoxious pillock who pretends to be a pussycat on a reality TV programme than him.

By this afternoon, that bit of the BBC's news story seems to have disappeared. The message from labour party HQ was a bit more contrite.

Does this mean some seizmic shift in British politics? I hope so, but I doubt it.
204 posts

Re: Respect
Mar 30, 2012, 16:34
No chance.
Excellent post, you've got me all wound up now.
A change in the UK political landscape?
Not likely, but there's always the hope.
He's an idiot, Galloway, rounding up the Muslim vote to keep himself in the public eye with his half- baked half- formed ideas.
Can't wait for the manifesto at the end of April!!
2057 posts

Edited Mar 30, 2012, 16:51
Re: Respect
Mar 30, 2012, 16:50
Agreed. Galloway is nothing but a self serving, disingenuous, opportunist prick. An old school stalinist, and an apologist for dictators most of his life. He is without a single genuine political belief (or interest outside of his own infamy) in his body. He's a terrible embarrasment for the left, he makes Derek Hatton seem like a straight and passionate socialst. I wish he'd disappear into obscurity like Hatton has, and hopefully how Sheridan will too.

Respect would be better off getting Scargill as a figurehead (get him to drop the SLP), at least he genuinely means and believes what he says. Also he would probably actually bother to attend parliment, actually vote when he was there, and well.. do something other than just draw his bloody salary.
153 posts

Re: Respect
Mar 30, 2012, 18:26
My favourite post ever on this forum.. Thank you, stray!
2148 posts

Re: Respect
Mar 31, 2012, 00:10
stray wrote:
Galloway is nothing but a self serving, disingenuous, opportunist prick.

Yep. But as such folks go, he beats Cameron or Blair.

And I have to say, just hearing a politician on the telly saying the words 'poor people' like it was a constituency that deserved to be heard and should be courted was immensely refreshing. But not half as much as when he used the words 'hate the tories' as if it were a commonplace, reasonable viewpoint.
2057 posts

Edited Mar 31, 2012, 09:39
Re: Respect
Mar 31, 2012, 09:25
Odd. If you get any kind of positive rise out of anything that comes out of his mouth I guess you don't know him very well. Everything he says is just hollow posturing, no matter how accurate it may be. Just because his language is a bit more 'old school' it doesn't mean that its anymore meaningful or genuine than when Ed Milliband speaks of his concern for 'low income families'. Listening to him talk creates the same bile rising derision in my gut that listening to Cameron does or listening to Blair did (actually moreso because he openly wraps himself in the flag of a politic that I do have a great deal of time for, although its no longer my own politic). Why on earth bring up Blair now anyway ? I know Respect probably do, as they are stuck in some kind of circular rut related to the point in time when they were formed. I've no time for their popular front style bullshit myself.

No he does not 'beat Cameron or Blair', he drags a lot of good people who are actually fighting for worthwhile ideas down by appropriating their rhetoric for his own personal gain. The next time that he fucks up through acting purely in his self interest, which he undoubtedly will, his shit will end up sticking to good people and more importantly to good ideas.

Yes, hating the tories is actually a commonplace and reasonable viewpoint, hearing an elected offical saying it on telly is about as mindblowing to me as seeing that the sky is still there when I get out of bed in the morning. It changes absolutely nothing. Also using the words 'Poor people' as if they were a valid constituency you found refreshing, christ, that just makes me thing you've become extraordinarily isolated and desperate. Again it changes nothing in terms of any wider public perception of reality, even in the truly out of touch and comfortably insulated isolated.

What about the 'poor people' of Bradford who now have an elected offical that will do absolutely sweet fuck all for them, and who has just used them for the sake of his own profile.
204 posts

Re: Respect
Mar 31, 2012, 11:02
Spot on. I'm so glad that someone else has put it in a nutshell, so to speak. I tried so hard yesterday to post an intelligent, well thought out response to the original post, but thanks to meds it's tough sometimes to articulate!
Galloway will find another bandwagon to hijack soon enough, I fancy.
153 posts

Re: Respect
Mar 31, 2012, 14:26
My new favourite post! Stop it, or I'll have to form a fan club..
3155 posts

Re: Respect
Mar 31, 2012, 18:48
Regardless of Galloway, it's still good in my opinion that voters have bothered to turn out and vote for a radical alternative.

It gives me hope that such things may be repeated on a larger scale elsewhere.
1736 posts

Re: Respect
Mar 31, 2012, 20:26
OK George, you're in. Now what are you gonna do about that fucking great hole in the middle of the city?
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