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Cameron - cuts are permanent, not to clear deficit.
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758 posts

Re: Cameron - cuts are permanent, not to clear deficit.
Aug 07, 2010, 00:45
yeah, right.. tedious. Don't worry, I get the message.. this is a "closed shop"
3155 posts

Edited Aug 07, 2010, 00:51
Re: Cameron - cuts are permanent, not to clear deficit.
Aug 07, 2010, 00:48
It isn't, as your continued presence here shows, but it does have a clear mandate.
758 posts

Re: Cameron - cuts are permanent, not to clear deficit.
Aug 07, 2010, 00:53
"Bollocks" in my view. The majority of posts are of the "right on!", "I empathise", or "I sympathise" etc... this has to be largely a "closed shop"..or there would be more people asking questions..
3155 posts

Re: Cameron - cuts are permanent, not to clear deficit.
Aug 07, 2010, 01:04
OK. Well here's a question.

How do you form an opinion?
758 posts

Re: Cameron - cuts are permanent, not to clear deficit.
Aug 07, 2010, 01:11
Well I know what I do..but you guys seem to just talk amongst yourselves..
"safe territory"..
3155 posts

Re: Cameron - cuts are permanent, not to clear deficit.
Aug 07, 2010, 01:12
OK. So what is it that you do?
758 posts

Re: Cameron - cuts are permanent, not to clear deficit.
Aug 07, 2010, 01:16
This is getting so boring...and I don't want to "reach for the service revolver"..just yet. Can we just close this post? and if "we" cant. I have!
758 posts

Re: Cameron - cuts are permanent, not to clear deficit.
Aug 07, 2010, 01:20
Ok, here's another question..do you post any comments, thoughts, views on any "right-of-centre" political discussion boards, forums etc?
3155 posts

Re: Cameron - cuts are permanent, not to clear deficit.
Aug 07, 2010, 01:37
People put their opinions up on this board, and they are sometimes asked to justify what they believe.

So they can either give further argument that supports their beliefs, or they can do something else.

Sometimes people will actually be big enough to admit they can't substantiate what they believe in, and amend their point of view accordingly. It doesn't happen very often, but it does happen.

More often though, if someone is challenged about their opinion, they bluster or try to deflect.

An argument is not just about stating an opinion. Otherwise you just end up with a pantomime. (Oh no you don't.) (Oh yes you do...)

A question is a startpoint that leads to more questions. Either you have a coherent argument, or you flounder. So questions are being asked on this board all the time.

It's not all that happens of course. Both the U-know section of the site, and this forum in particular are also a source of information and inspiration. It's sometimes an organisational tool too. See for example, Stevo's stuff about Shell in Ireland. Presumably donations and support have reached the protestors in Rossclare because of the publicity he's drawn by posting here.

It can even be light relief. We all need some of that from time to time after a hard day's arguing.
3155 posts

Edited Aug 07, 2010, 01:49
Re: Cameron - cuts are permanent, not to clear deficit.
Aug 07, 2010, 01:37
Nope. I can't be arsed.

I do occasionally post on the politics section of a backgammon site but I try to avoid getting too involved because most of the posters there, as with most political forums, are more interested in shitting their opinion all over the board than in actually trying to debate.
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