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Lockerbie Bomber released
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Re: Lockerbie Bomber released
Aug 22, 2009, 15:57
Oh dear. Thought I'd wandered onto the Daily Mail letters page...

Brave decision and the correct one. Here's a little light reading for sceptics:





Check out the US Vincennes incident, 5 months before Lockerbie. 290 innocent people blown out of the sky by a trigger-happy American who mistook a high-flying passenger aircraft for a low-flying fighter bomber. Compare the reaction - whole crew goes home to cheers and "combat" medals, to an innocent scapegoat locked up for life so that Brit and Yank policies remain hidden. Cynical? Yes. The truth is now starting to emerge, much to the disgust of both the Brits and the Yanks.

I should declare an interest, I suppose.

I'm Scottish.

Not British.

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