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Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor
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fauny fergus
fauny fergus
310 posts

Re: Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor
May 15, 2008, 09:03
Rhiannon wrote:
If he's sticking to his beliefs that's because they're grounded in something tangible and testable and he can argue for them. I don't see what's wrong with that.. you can call it 'dogmatic' but that implies he's talking unsupported unfounded stuff masquerading as fact.

I'm not sure that's entirely true; this is the man that said, "Science is the only way we have of understanding the real world." Well, love, poetry, the sublime are all part of the real world for humans and science isn't qualified to deal with any of that stuff. He does come across like a zealot when he attempts to be as totalising as he is in that statement. There is no one true path to a full understanding of the world because the world is far more varied than that. Some scientists realise that as do some 'people of faith' - there are plenty of examples of people who are both; perhaps they see the complexity of existence requires more than one means of understanding it. I don't believe Dawkins does and, as a result, I find him a poor spokesperson for science.

(That's leaving aside the argument that scientfic knowledge is advanced only to the tune played by the piper that's paying for it.)

Nietzsche may have proclaimed the death of God but he also warned us,

Nietzsche wrote:
[M]odern science, which, as a true philosophy of reality, evidently believes only in itself, possesses courage and will in itself, and has got along up to this point well enough without God, a world beyond, and virtues which deny. However, I'm not impressed with such a fuss and agitprop: these trumpeters of reality are bad musicians. One can hear well enough that their notes do not sound out of the depths. The abyss of scientific conscience does not speak through them—for today scientific knowledge is an abyss. The phrase "scientific knowledge" in such trumpeting mouths is mere fornication, an abuse, an indecency.

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