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Tolerant U.S.Cops...Not pt2
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Tolerant U.S.Cops...Not pt2
Jan 21, 2002, 11:15
The whole time, Tim and Aaron are walking toward me, Tim asking what they're doing to me, what the hell's going on, and Aaron, trying to get keys for his truck and my house. The cops, whose names I know, but won't specifically mention here for fear of further retribution from them and their fraternity, are telling my friends to stay back or there's going to be trouble. But Aaron and Tim legitimately want to know what the hell is going on, why more cop cars were arriving every second it seemed. Eventually there were nine by the way. Then I hear some commotion behind me, so I jump up and see that two grossly overzealous cops, R****** and G***, have tackled Aaron and Tim respectively. Serious takedown, let's whoop some hippies ass type of shit. Aaron and Tim are yelling stuff like "what the fuck are you doing" while Officer G*** is shoving Tim's face in the dirt, knee on the back of his neck,and R****** by every appearance has found another person to take out the frustrations of an obviously mindless, meaningless life on. Good thing Aaron was in Modesto to help him out with that. Another prick is yelling at me to sit back down, or I'll get the same thing as my friends are. They even told an incredibly intimidating (joking) female friend of ours that they'd kick her ass if she didn't watch it. So we're all in cars, cuffed and heading downtown. Maybe eight officers are talking at the back of Aaron's car, laughing and G*** is boasting about throwing that fucker (Tim, to refresh your memory) down and throwing his knee to the back of his neck. These are real men we're talking about I guess, you know kicking somebody's ass while they're cuffed and face down in the mud. I went back and you can actually see Tim's face mark imprinted in the ground. Some sergeant came up to my car asking why I thought my friends resisted arrest, explaining that they must have been real confrontational, because his officers don't make a habit of acting like that. His officers seemed pretty eager and experienced to me though. Aaron and I made Officer R******, our chauffeur, pretty happy when we managed to get our arms around to the front of our bodies by tucking them under our asses and legs. Threading the needle you might say. I recommend trying it. They get a big kick out of it. So we get booked. My cuffs were off first, so I picked the dirt and grass away from Tim's right eyelids, lashes and brows. Then we spent almost ten hours in jail, getting shut eye when we could, with the roaches and piss and old food on the floor. Not so nice laying in any of it.
The girl who was threatened, Jason, and another friend of ours were waiting for us when we got out. That was nice. Nothing is happening to me, but Aaron has to go to court on a Resisting Arrest charge, and Tim for Obstruction of Justice. All because someone was sleeping in a truck. I know it's old as hell to say it, but it's so disappointing to know that these are the people who are supposed to be helping us. I know that there are decent cops out there, but these guys are in the majority I'm afraid. So when in Modesto, like a lot of places, watch your ass, because many of them are prepared to kick it and then hand it to you. And there's virtually no recourse, because they protect their own a lot more readily than they do most of us. Have a pleasant evening besides.

Scary Huh!
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