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shaking off My OrGaNiC eArTh So0oT*
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Re: shaking off My OrGaNiC eArTh So0oT*
Sep 02, 2001, 15:03
Is Julian God amongst man ... I doubt it. He surely has seen a light, like many before. The Beatles did it, a few followed many scoffed. It was the end of them. Julian has seen something, wants to achieve something, a few are following (or were there ahead of hi) and many may scoff.

My own existance? I'm here for now, but not for long, so I live for now. After spending too long waiting for things to come to me (mainly material things) I am now gathering things to me, but spiritual .... purely spiritual.

My time in the stones and tombs created by a race that maybe understood the meaning of 'being', certainly better than I do yet, is to reach that state where I can leave. I may not leave content even if I achieve that for which I search, but I will have tried. I will be content that I tried.

That will be enough.

Until I go ..... Ride On!!!
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