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Re: to pet or not to pet..erm
Dec 12, 2003, 09:39
Aww most definately... I get upset Vinnie sits with me and has actually put his paws on my eyes to wipe away tears... Poppy sleeps with me at night curled up on my tummy purring away.. Moo, wellllll ummmm she's just Moo really and brings me in a worm every morning ;o) mad as a box of frogs that cat (Water on the brain or something when born). The love I get from my cats is more than I could ever ever ever give them back.

All my cats were abandoned and Vinnie was so badly beaten by his previous owners that there was a point they thought he would die. He now has a twitch where he suffered brain damage... I give them all the love I can, and feed them basically what they want. I don't give them 'main brand cat food' as apart from the animal welfare issues you have raised, they are soooo full of aditives and don't actually contain what it says on the tin... But I don't think my 3 could manage (at their age) being converted to a veggie diet. (Biscuits they do) but not sure... could be wrong and maybe I'll try it for a week. Hmmmmmm..... :o)

All mine were neutered when we got them, but the rabbits I had to have done and hated every minute of it making that decision is probably the worst decision of my life. Not only did it take away part of them, but it also changed their personalities, I hated it. But coz they were male and female it had to be done as Rabbits are notorious breeders and the babies extremely difficult to house. (Never ever ever ever give a rabbit to a child). These two do eat a veggie diet! :o)

I do think I'd give my cats the choice to eat what they want too.. will try them on a veg diet and if they like it then maybe. But they eat Organic stuff and I think thats ok for my 3.... I just want to make them happy. :o)

God I waffle don't I!!

Nat xxx

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