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Disney, Commies and Kittens
Oct 21, 2003, 18:44
I sortakinda like the guy in a sick way, he might be a complete phobic and thick as shite, but at least (if you read his blogthing) he (claims to have)whupped someone who was whupping a defenceless dog and took thedog away, and he hates gov'nmint, and he don't diss the 'Injuns.

Funny how someone so obviously complete nut-job is less scary than the people who govern us.


That was the Disney reference, h'apparently he is saying that The Little Mermaid is a work of 'sexual psychosis'. This is so far my favourite display of of pots calling spoons kettles.

He's good:

"You think you've got the whole world all figured out - but life likes to rub the noses of the arrogant in reality all to often. You speak to me as if I'm new to life. Just to enlighten you a bit:

I've chased Russian subs around Cuba-
I lived through the "Nam (enuf said)-
I helped save lives in both a flood and a volcanic eruption-
I have a Doctorate in Philosophy, a B of A in Psych, and I'm licensed to teach through the 12th grade-
I've been clawed by a mountain lion, bitten by a wolf and did the "rights of manhood" two-weeks-in-the-wilderness thing with the Hopi's.
I have killed some
I have healed some
I have trained others to kill and to heal
And been shot a time or two also.
And all this before you were even a gleam in your daddy's eyes.
You need a bit of humility. I don't mean lose your willingness to "get into it" with people, your self-assurance 'nor your continued search for that elusive thing known as "the truth".
Just mellow out a bit. "

'Mellow out a bit'!!! I'm suprised if this guy hasn't got 12ft walls made of the bones of Commies/gays and students surrounding his gun emplacement



The above link is a gift to all of you who enjoy reading how CS gas cures many ailments, how the Y2k democrat-vampires might be dealt with, and simple home-spun anecdotes that remind us that we are, all of us, sheep.


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