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A303 to go into a tunnel eventually?
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Edited Oct 02, 2013, 12:54
Re: A303 to go into a tunnel eventually?
Oct 02, 2013, 12:53
Mustard wrote:
Also, I wouldn't apply the same logic to cities, where the dynamics are very different and the situation more complex.

I agree. Being only forty miles from London the dynamics here are probably generated by that fact. Again, I guess it depends where you are, but I don’t see too much here of, “...20yr olds who socialise via X-box live. Instead of going out at night or meeting up with each other...” Then again there’s no way of knowing how much online socialising goes on in the homes of 20 year-olds :-)

What you do see in town, on a Saturday afternoon for example, are younger people meeting up with friends and enjoying the buzz of town life – either in or outside the fast-food outlets, the cinema, at the sports centre (pool and ice rink) or in one of the two shopping malls. There’s certainly plenty to entice them into town and they certainly seem to take advantage of it. Later on in the day younger adults (as well as people of my generation :-) will go in for the pubs, nightclubs, restaurants or theatre.

Actually, if you’re thinking of a vibrant place to live, only half an hour’s train journey to London, ten minute’s drive to some of Essex’s loveliest countryside, you could do worse than here (bit sparse on the ground when it comes to megaliths though ;-)
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