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Cornwall Mini Megameet
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Edited May 08, 2011, 18:16
Re: Cornwall Mini Megameet
May 08, 2011, 17:14
ocifant wrote:
Well, that was fun! A good half dozen of us met as arranged and had a good old natter in the pub for an hour or two. Lots of conversations, Trethevy was a main talking point (see the associated thread for details).

We then all headed of to see the Hurlers, the Pipers, and Rillaton Barrow with more excellent conversation on the way there and back.

Many thanks to Roy, Mark, Mike (from the MegPortal), Dave and Pete for making the day an enjoyable one! Here's to next time...

And thank you Alan for setting it all up. It was a pleasure to meet you all and put faces to names. Yes we must certainly do it again.
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