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Cornwall Trip, Sugestions
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Re: Cornwall Trip, Sugestions
Apr 22, 2009, 20:51
If you're in West Penwith and fancy a good long walk, go to St Just, walk down the hill past the church to Tregeseal, then up the other side onto the common (go to the stone circle), past the holed stones, Carn Kenidjack, then head east along the Tinner's Way (possible detours to Boswens menhir, Chun Quoit and Chun Castle), cross the road near Men an Tol Studio (home of Ian Cooke) keep going east to Men an Tol (or Men Scryfa), up onto the ridge to Nine Maidens stone circle, from there either head south via Bosiliak Barrow and Lanyon Quoit, and catch the bus from Madron OR better still from Nine Maidens carry on east to the Zennor Road, drop down to Zennor and stay in the beer garden at the Tinner's Arms until the bus comes (or you've had enough to drink to think that walking on to St Ives is a good idea).

My perfect day out.

There is so much to see in a very small area in West Penwith, you're spoilt for choice. I do recommend walking as much as you can, you'll get a much better feel for the landscape that all this wonderful stuff sits on/in.
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