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Best of the Best?
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Re: Best of the Best?
Sep 10, 2008, 19:11
Lubin wrote:
You were lucky Pilgrim, I have looked many times and not found it. I'm going to try again in the winter when there is no undergrowth around.

Peace , Lubin

Hi, Lubin

There's a big boulder at the RHS of the cut-out in the slope (which Hemery in 'Walking the Dartmoor Railroads' says was for the winding gear of the incline plane that supplied the Cantrell dries down by the mainline. The big boulder is hard alongside the tramway. The row starts from there, and aims roughly for Ugborough Beacon. As you say, the undergrowth is overpowering; indeed, the first stone is in the middle of a gorse bush!

I've got some very mediocre photos taken with my mobile phone. I'd post it as a site up here, but the photo's don't do it justice. Perhaps i should cobble this as some Fields Notes.

Incidentally, Jeremy Butler's wonderful book recounts how R H Worth (who planned the route of the Redlake Tramway) made sure that the row wasn't compromised by the route. Nice to think that sort of thing still went on, eh?



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