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Re: Trees
Dec 15, 2006, 10:23
FourWinds wrote:
The Scots Pine is not native to Ireland. They were introduced, along with the larch, by the British landgrabbers for their estates.

The tops of the Wicklow Mountains, for example, were extremely fertile pre-bog growth and much of the area's population probably lived up there, especially during the summer months. In one of the Annals it states that the Dublin plane was the only lowland area that was unwooded when the first people arrived in Ireland. Obviously a bit of an exageration, but it does show that folk memory knew that much fo Ireland was once covered in trees.

Might make some sense then, perhaps the cairns and such were built on the fertile hills where people lived. Then as the weather changed they had to move to the lowlands.
Perhaps that is why many monuments are aligned in sight of these cairns/hills etc as kind of a reminder of where they/ their ancestors once lived.

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