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Silbury Round Two
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Re: Silbury Round Two
Nov 29, 2005, 09:08
Why the constant abuse? I've never insulted you, as much as I've wanted to! All I've ever done is try to reason with you, but seeing as all you ever want to do is abuse and lie (I quote "I told you I wasn't going and I didn't." then "Okay we'll start again - I went, this is what hapened.....")

You're obviously either pissed when you write all this or a bit slow. I have a hilarious image of you squealing and going purple in the face when you type your vitriolic rants! Do you get to see many birds when out with your bins? Or are you constantly surprised to see none because your high pitched constant wailing frightens them off? I know, I know - "What the fuck are you talking about?". I expect little else.

The reason I don't wish to answer your pleas for my opinions on Silbury is because I have absolutely no respect whatsoever for you. You're an idiot. "Bye loser" - You, my dear, are the loser. How very childish...

Apologies to everyone for this final message, but I feel the unwarranted abuse aimed at me requires a retort.

Now block your ears before the banshee returns! See ya!

G x
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