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Re: Flogging a dead horse
Aug 08, 2003, 09:27
Hello all! Just when you thought it was safe...

I have been a bit out of it recently due to my lovely new job, but have collated all the results, and will be sifting through the vast amounts of comments this very day.

But... in the meantime, here's a few statistics (yawn!): *Cue Take Hart Gallery music*

Top 5 by quantity: FourWinds - 7; Moth - 8; Vybik Jon - 9; Nigelswift - 10; Wotan - a mighty 13! Well done you lot - now get on with your work!

Up to and including this post, there have been 127 in total, with 76 of those being considerd for the contest.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all luck, and to thank you for taking part in this most prestigious of competitions.

After the mysterious disappearance of Dominic Brayne, I shall refrain from adding any further pictures of myself, so we can all sleep peacefully knowing that the popularity hasn't gone to my dome-like head.

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