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Fernacre farm
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Mr Hamhead
Mr Hamhead
1020 posts

Re: Fernacre farm
Jun 25, 2003, 18:27
Its a long story.....I was researching a book of walks. He met me half way up the lane to the farm and told me that there was a legal dispute going on over the footpath. We had a long discussion about rights of way etc nothing unplesant but polietly he was saying Get off my land.
In the end I decided there was no point taking a walk through the farm if he was going to come out and apprehend everybody. I am not backing down here it just would have ruined a nice walk in my view.
Anyway i got in touch with the local parish council and they told me that it had gone to court last year and he had lost. They are now looking into the situation plus another footpath in the parish which is blocked by old trailers, nettles, barbwire etc, etc.....
I am sure you know the situation
It makes me laugh when they are going to all this trouble to get the CROW act through and you still can't walk down footpaths without having your way blocked.

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