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1704 posts

Re: Record collections
Jan 20, 2003, 03:06
I know this kind of thinking is deadly in these circles but if anyone can seek out the film "Vinyl" from Alan Zweig of Toronto, Ontario, Canada (available at Roger's Video for you Canucks) it sheds a lot of light on the habits and obsessions of the music enthusiast. Basically it made me wonder why the fuck I was hanging onto all this stuff I never had time to listen for. Does anyone out there keep an album simply because it's a classic or obscure or coveted or whatnot? I don't really care that some will say fuck you but it's really interesting that this great music and work ends up being treated by people as objects to worship. I'm currently in the process of getting rid of a lot of stuff. Not like I have a lot compared to most, but I don't want this obsession to take over all my time. But do try to find the film.
770 posts

Re: Record collections
Jan 20, 2003, 07:55
Each to their own as they say.

I may have said, I try not to be too precious about music. I too "get rid" of a lot of stuff. God thank EBay and all the music fans the world over who will part with (sometimes) ridiculous amounts of cash for the artefacts I offer up.

Just Do Your Own Thing
216 posts

Re: Record collections
Jan 20, 2003, 11:03
The drawback with 'detoxing' one's record collection is that you invariably want to listen to something after it's gone... Sometimes (usually) years later...
I got rid of loads of vinyl a few years back when I was totally skint. Got next to nothing for it all too. Stuff I'd not played for ages, so I figured I wouldn't miss it. All the early Wire singles, PIL, Fall; it pains me to think of it...
On the other hand, I like to pass stuff on if I know someone is going to enjoy (or even cherish) it more than me... Considered contacting Necro re: 'Propheteering' which I never play until I saw how much it's going (gone) for...
Perhaps folks could list the stuff they have which they don't play anymore, but which they wouldn't consider parting with?
I still have everything by The Adverts... Also, the early Zoo singles. Never play them, would never be parted from them...
1689 posts

Re: Record collections
Jan 20, 2003, 11:28
Were you?! Darn it, grrrr.
Well at least I did ‘win’ it! Absurd amount to pay for one single….but not quite the most I’ve ever paid, sadly. Don’t think I’d have gone that far if it wsn’t the last thing I really needed tho…

I keep various things even tho I don’t play them. Just regret the things I have flogged too much (even the yes albums). Occassionally cos I think, hmmm, this may be worth a bit, and I’ll save it till I’m really desperate. But generally they aint worth much, and they don’t take up much room, so I may as well keep them…well that’s my logic anyway!
7087 posts

Re: Record collections
Jan 20, 2003, 11:42
How much did it finally go for?

The thing about stuff maybe being 'worth something' is the vagaries of fashion. I've had stuff that was priced very high at one point and now you couldn't give it away.
916 posts

Re: Record collections
Jan 20, 2003, 12:01
I never well virtually never get rid of music. I did it once or twice when younger and regretted it bitterly. I will get rid of stuff i didn't like when i first heard it and still don't like, but that's about it.

Music used to obsessional with me but I went through quite a few years of virtually no music, listened to radio 4 and read a lot, and veged out in front of the telly (naturally). But I am now back in the groove as it were ..

I will continue to collect music now and not worry about it.

Hey tho' de-cluttering is all the rage at the mo' ain it, and hey like they say there is nothing new under the sun and de-cluttering is just a process we all do from time to time conciusly or not
Son Of Alice
41 posts

The Adverts
Jan 20, 2003, 13:07
This seems like a convenient place to post this. I've yet to hear any of the Adverts' music, but as a follower of rock history, I've lately developed something of an obsession with Gaye Advert's look from back in the day. Been thinking of adopting it myself (yes, I am a dude - why should that stop me?) Spent a lot of time on net the other night doing Google search for old photos, found very few. If anyone has photos to scan or trade or sell or knows of a good site (and, come to think of it, I haven't tried e-bay yet) please let me know.

216 posts

Pete Burns
Jan 20, 2003, 13:18
Have you seen 'Rock Family Trees' about the post punk Liverpool scene, SoA? Pete Burns offers his views and has a bit of a Gaye Advert thing going on with his hair... Got a VCD from archetuthis (!?) a while ago of this very show. Mail me your address and I'll post it on if you want... USA is no problem.
216 posts

Re: Record collections
Jan 20, 2003, 23:26
Over £20 in the end!

(Sorry, Necro!)
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Re: Record collections
Jan 21, 2003, 01:46
It's very hard for me to get rid of albums. In fact it hardly ever happens. I am by nature something of a hoarder anyway, but albums to me, from the cack to the sublime, are better than photo albums for having a browse through my life. If I laid 'em out in a chronological order (of purchase not their actual date) it would be like a rock bayeaux tapestry of what I was, when I was and what I was doing. It's not even out of a particular sense of nostalia, though there is that element to it. My record collection is probably the best document of my life I have.

(note to self; get a life)
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