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Squid Tempest
Squid Tempest
8769 posts

Re: Woden
Sep 20, 2012, 18:47
MARTASE wrote:
Yes me too. Far more excited than I am about any of the new material Cope is likely to churn out any time soon -2012 or no- even though no doubt they'll be the one or two exceptional tracks and I'll still be ever hopeful that he'll change direction again and I'll buy the things with little question. All a bit sad but since 'You've Got a Problem With Me' I've really not been impressed.

Bring back Donald Skinner Julian FFS. Play some Rock n Roll again.

Doesn't have to be rock n roll, as long as it is head music! That's the problem I've had with the recent stuff, it hasn't pressed my *trip out* buttons. But that is just me.
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