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Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 28 August 2011 CE
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Re: Soundtracks of Our Lives week ending 28 August 2011 CE
Aug 28, 2011, 22:45
"ONEIDA - Rated O - A bit ambivalent to this - has some fine moments but some of it's just too harshly repetitive for my ears."

I'm a massive Oneida fan, but I know what you mean. Of the triple CD I find most of the first disc hard work. Seems to me that they are almost being willfully obtuse. Disc two is where the action is and disc three has a couple of goodies. I've distilled the 'essence' onto a single CDr if I just wanna tune into the Salient points.

Don't even bother with the recent 'Absolute II', I gave it a cursory listen, then bunged it on the shelves, very disappointed. It's like all the bad bits of 'O-Rated' disc one all over again.

Think I read somewhere that there is another album due for release come October, they're certainly around for some ATP dates later in the year. Here's hoping it's more like the old stuff. I appreciate they can be a bit of a one trick pony at times, but hey!, that's why I like em'.

Check out the 'People Of The North - Deep Tissue' album, an Oneida offshoot if you haven't already, now THAT is where the gristle is!
review here...http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/14212-deep-tissue/

Don't bother with the 'Kid Millions' LP, it's one long drum solo, but not in a 'Boredoms' way (i.e. interesting), more in a jazz wank kinda vein. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/23/arts/music/23drummer.html

Also, on a 'similar to Grails' tip, if you've not heard it, Guapo - 5 Suns is f*@kin' amazing.
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