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dave clarkson
2988 posts

Re: Quo
Oct 17, 2008, 01:05
That's a bit sad and a shame really. I'd have more respect for them if they just kept playing the old stuff as there's nothing wrong with giving the fans that - they must be gutted. Status Quo and rap is like pouring chocolate sauce on a kebab. I love a lot of their 70's stuff and think it doesn't need a daft bat rapping over the top.

6761 posts

Edited Oct 17, 2008, 11:12
Re: Quo
Oct 17, 2008, 11:01
Oh I didn't mean musically.

Queen are a rock band for people who don't want to rock. Period end.

BUT FM certainly had that big stage arrogance. That's something we've definitely lost - lead singers with the ability to take command of a huge audience and manipulate it. Freddie definitely knew how to live and play the part. Which was even more annoying given that the music was closer to Pilot than Plant! If he's looked and behaved like Roger whatsit out of Supertramp then the Queen thing would have fizzled not long after News of the World. Mercury's pomp skills kept the air in the balloon.

Hard to think of too many around today, even yer Eddie Veders are a bit apologetic about the job of being a lead singer. Rock audiences need a proper seeing to - that's part of the fun. All that "you're the greatest rock n roll town in the world", "I've bust a button on me trousers", "any girls with a little bit of Irish in them" stuff included.

Chris Robinson is a great lead singer but that's all in the voice. The chap from The Darkness was a pretty good front man / stooge but embarassment seems to be the big lead singer disease these days rather than Coverdale-esque tight trousered stuff.

Shame really. Another art lost to a misplaced sense of artistic correctness.

Which is why any Cope ticket is worth every penny. One of the last of the few.
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Edited Oct 17, 2008, 13:01
Re: Quo pro quo
Oct 17, 2008, 11:15
You could argue that, whatever you think of him or the band, Bono can 'do' arena, which, as you say does seem to be something of a dying art.

'Tis a strange thing but it seems that, in recent times, the US big bands seem less self conscious of the showmanship thing than Britbands. I mean, I saw Smashing Pumpkins a couple of times in their prime and, despite their angst-rock rep, they still engaged with the crowd and put on a bit of a show. And System of A Down who were amazing live, weren't afraid of a bit of crowd-pleasing banter despite their potentially po-faced politi-rock stance. Back here even Oasis' much vaunted stage presence is built on a perceived sense of swagger whilst not actually doing much at all, and yes I have seen them.

ps I like Queen 8^P The first 3-4 albums rock mightily as far as I'm concerned.
6761 posts

Edited Oct 17, 2008, 12:52
Re: Quo pro quo
Oct 17, 2008, 11:27
There are bits of QII I really like, Hammer To Fall is pretty great and Bo Rap is of course total genius but but but THAT guitar sound just sets my teeth on edge.

I think their strong point was actually things like "Crazy Little Thing" and "You're My Best Friend" and the big pompy ballads "Somebody To Love" where the guitar is less wheeeeeee.

Still one man's Johnny Marr is another man's Johnny Moped! When I was a kid Queen were one step away from John William's Sky, The Eagles and that War of the World thing. Shudder.
6761 posts

Re: Quo
Oct 17, 2008, 11:30

Though the chorus has always nagged away at me. Shouldn't it be "Lay Down, Roll Over and Let Me In"? Maybe not. I've lived a sheltered life.
Moon Cat
9577 posts

Edited Oct 17, 2008, 13:02
Re: Queen pro quo
Oct 17, 2008, 12:15
Ah well, that's the thing I 'spose. See, I really like 'that' guitar sound but tis true that it does tend to be marmitesque in its appeal. You have to admit, at their 'pompiest' no one sounds quite like 'em. Yes, Queen II is probably my fave of the early albums - it's quite pleasingly bonkers in its way.

I suppose even during their post-live aid "The Works" pop-band peak they were still occasionally capable of grand gestures of epic rockery. I mean, "Princes of The Universe," off "A Kind of Magic" is pretty heavy and fairly mental too. And "Innuendo" the song is something of a last-minute grand folly.
1576 posts

Re: Queen pro quo
Oct 17, 2008, 12:26
You are not alone Moon Cat.

I too love those first three albums at least and a few after, but Queen II is as you quite rightly state "A bit bonkers" but i love it from start to finish.

Ogre Battle anyone?
Squid Tempest
Squid Tempest
8769 posts

Re: Queen pro quo
Oct 17, 2008, 12:45
paradox wrote:
You are not alone Moon Cat.

I too love those first three albums at least and a few after, but Queen II is as you quite rightly state "A bit bonkers" but i love it from start to finish.

Ogre Battle anyone?

Hah! Yeah...

They are one of Will Squidling's fave bands - we like a good sing-a-longa-Fred in the car.
6761 posts

Re: Queen pro quo
Oct 17, 2008, 12:56
Moon Cat wrote:
Ah well, that's the thing I 'spose. See, I really like 'that' guitar sound but tis true that it does tend to be marmitesque in its appeal. You have to admit, at their 'pompiest' no one sounds quite like 'em. Yes, Queen II is probably my fave of the early albums - it's quite pleasingly bonkers in its way.

I suppose even during their post-live aid "The Works" pop-band peak they were still occasionally capable of grand gestures of epic rockery. I mean, "Princess of The Universe," off "A Kind of Magic" is pretty heavy and fairly mental too. And "Innuendo" the song is something of a last-minute grand folly.

If they had Eddie VH on guitar (or even Steve Vai in DLR mode) they could have been one of my favourite bands. My antipathy was all about those Roy Thomas Baker productions with the tiny weeney little guitar going wheeeee.
Vybik Jon
Vybik Jon
7720 posts

Re: Queen pro quo
Oct 17, 2008, 14:22
The track Sheer Heart Attack is splendidly silly and over the top.

It's on News Of The World.
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