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Nominations for Future AOTM
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Rev Matt
26 posts

Nominations for Future AOTM
Aug 04, 2003, 18:19
I guess it started with the Grand Funk Railroad reviews. Then Montrose. Now Van Halen. I can understand JC's new found appreciation of Van Halen since during their heyday he was busy recording the first two Teardrop Explodes albums.

Here are a few more albums to consider that will drive the regulars here mad:

ZZ Top - Tres Hombres. Actually any of the ZZ Top albums released in the 1970's will do.

Rush - All The World's A Stage - Canada's greatest power trio live and in concert.

Kiss - Destroyer - any album that leads off with a song called "Detroit Rock City" is okay in my book. And "God of Thunder" is right up JC's alley.
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