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Re: Marxist Miliband
Oct 10, 2013, 15:55
Bollox, that is Communist propaganda. This is how they were agents of the illuminati, founded by Adam Weishaupt on May 1st (now also known as international Communist/Socialist/Workers/Marxist day, no connection - honest lol) in 1776:

Heinrich Karl Marx (Moses Mordecai Marx Levy, 1818-83) was born of wealthy parents (his father was a lawyer), and much of his personal life has never been revealed. Professor M. Michedlov, Vice-Director of the Marx Institute, said that there were 100 volumes in his collection, but only thirteen have ever been reprinted for the public.

When he was six, his family converted to Christianity, and although he was once a believer in God, after attending the Universities of Bonn and Berlin, Marx wrote that he wanted to avenge himself "against the One who rules above." He joined the Satanist Church run by Joana Southcott, who was said to be in contact with the demon Shiloh. His early writings mentioned the name "Oulanem" which was a ritualistic name for Satan. A friend of Marx wrote in 1841 that "Marx calls the Christian religion one of the most immoral of religions." His published attacks against the German government caused him to be ejected from the country.

He received a Doctorate in Philosophy in 1841, but was turned down for a teaching position, because of his revolutionary activities. In 1843, he studied Economics in Paris, where he learned about French communism. Again he was expelled for revolutionary activities. In 1844, he wrote the book A World Without Jews even though he was Jewish. In 1845, he moved to Brussels, where, with German philosopher, Friedrich Engels (the son of a wealthy textile manufacturer, 1820-95), who he met in Paris in 1844, they reorganized the Communist League.

Engels had joined the 'Young Germany' group (which had been established by Giuseppe Mazzini) in Switzerland in 1835. He later became a 32nd degree Mason (as did Marx). In 1842 he was sent to England to manage the family's mill in Manchester. A journalism student, in 1843 he published a treatise on economics called Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy; and in 1844, wrote a review of Thomas Carlyle's Past and Present, and also a booklet called The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844. It was Engel's philosophy that established the basis for the ideas which were developed by Marx.

Marx wrote in 1848:

"The coming world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but entire reactionary peoples, to disappear from the face of the earth."

Friedrich Engels, that same year, wrote: "The next world war will make whole reactionary peoples disappear from the face of the earth."

The Communist Manifesto was described by Marxians as "The Charter of Freedom of the Workers of the World," and it was the platform of the League. It advocated:

Abolition of property in land, and the application of all land rent to public purposes
A heavy progressive or graduated income tax
Abolition of all rights of inheritance
Confiscation of all the property of immigrants and rebels
Centralization of credit in the hands of the State with a national bank
Centralization and State control of all communication and transportation
Expansion of factories to cultivate waste lands, and create industrial armies, especially for agriculture
Gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country to have a more equitable distribution of the population over the country
Elimination of child factory labor and free education for all children in public schools.

This revolutionary plan for Socialism, which included the abolition of all religion, was reminiscent of the doctrines of Weishaupt. It was basically a program for establishing a 'perfect' state, and it called for the workers (proletariat) to revolt and overthrow capitalism (the private ownership of industry) and for the government to own all property. Marx felt that by controlling all production, the ruling power could politically control a country. After the communist regime would take over, the dictatorship would gradually "wither away" and the result would be a non-government. The final stage of communism is when the goods are distributed on the basis of need. Leonid Brezhnev, when celebrating the 50th anniversary of the U.S.S.R. [Union of Soviet Socialist Republics], said: "Now the Soviet Union is marching onward. The Soviet Union is moving towards communism."

Meanwhile, Professor Carl Ritter (1779-1859) of the University of Berlin, a co-founder of modern geographical science, was writing a contrasting view under the direction of another group of Illuminists. The purpose of this was to divide the people of the world into opposing camps with differing ideologies. The work started by Ritter was finished after he died by German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900), who founded Nietzscheism which later developed into Fascism and then into Nazism, which was later used to ferment World War II.

Although the Nazis in quoting from Nietzsche considered themselves to be the Master Race, Nietzsche did not. Nietzsche tried to stir things up at the top of the social order, while Marx hammered away at the bottom, concentrating on the lower class and working people. Nietzsche wanted to keep the uneducated in a state of slavery, while Marx wanted to neutralize the elite and pushed for the rights of the people.

The First Socialist International (1864)

On September 28, 1864, Marx and Engels founded the International Workingmen's Association at St. Martin's Hall in London, which consisted of English, French, German, Italian, Swiss, and Polish Socialists, who were dedicated to destroying the "prevailing economic system." It later became known as the First Socialist International, which eight years later spread to New York and merged with the Socialist Party. The statutes they adopted were similar to Mazzini's, and in fact, a man named Wolff, the personal secretary of Mazzini, was a member and pushed Mazzini's views.

Marx wrote to Engels: "I was present, only as a dumb personage on the platform." James Guillaume, a Swiss member, wrote: "It is not true that the Internationale was the creation of Karl Marx. He remained completely outside the preparatory work that took place from 1862 to 1864..." Again, we find evidence that the Illuminati did in fact control the growing Communist movement, but not to deal with the problems of workers and industry; rather it was to instigate riot and revolution. The Marxist doctrine produced by the Association was accepted and advocated by the emerging labor movement, and soon the organization grew to 800,000 dues-paying members.

Even though Marx publicly urged the working class to overthrow the capitalists (the wealthy who profited from the Stock Exchange), in June, 1864 "in a letter to his uncle, Leon Phillips, Marx announced that he had made 400 pounds on the Stock Exchange." It is obvious that Marx didn't practice what he preached, and therefore didn't really believe in the movement he was giving birth to. He was an employee, doing a job for his Illuminati bosses.

Nathan Rothschild had given Marx two checks for several thousand pounds to finance the cause of Socialism. The checks were put on display in the British Museum, after Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, a trustee, had willed his museum and library to them.

In 1867, Marx wrote the first volume of Das Kapital, which became known as the "Bible of the Working Class." Marx felt that as the workers achieved various reforms there would be a possibility for the peaceful evolution towards Socialism. A little known fact, is that Marx' beliefs were gleaned from the writings of Weishaupt, Babeuf, Blanc, Cabet, Owen, Ogilvie, Hodgkin, Gray, Robert Thompson, William Carpenter, and Clinton Roosevelt; which he discovered from his hours of research in the Reading Room of the British Museum. The second volume appeared after Marx' death, edited by Engels from Marx' notes, in 1885; and volume three appeared in 1894.

When Marx died in March 14, 1883, only six people attended his funeral. He never supported his family, which had produced six children. Three of them died of starvation in infancy and two others committed suicide. Actually, Engels supported Marx with income from his father's cotton mills in England. Marx was buried in London, at Highgate Cemetery.

Socialist Parties and the Second Socialist International (1869-89)

The Social Democratic Party [founded] in Germany in 1869 was the first Marxist aligned political Party. They favored an independent working class. It grew rapidly, despite the effort of Chancellor Otto von Bismarck to break it up through the enactment of anti-socialist legislation. In 1877, they elected a dozen members to the Reichstag. In 1881, they had 312,000 members; and by 1891, 1,427,000. In 1891, they eliminated their earlier leanings toward State aid for co-ops, and aligned themselves with the Marxist goal of "the abolition of class rule and of classes themselves."

Some of the early Socialist Parties were: Danish Social Democratic Party (1870's), Swedish Socialist Party (1889), Norwegian Labor Party (1887), Austrian Social Democratic Party (1888), Belgian Labor Party (1885), Dutch Socialist-Democratic Workers Party (1894), Spanish Social Labor Party (1879), Italian Socialist Party (1892), and the Social Democratic Federation of Great Britain (1880's).

In 1889, the Second Socialist International was formed, with their headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Their main responsibility was to create some sort of unity within its ranks. It was totally organized along Marxist philosophies.
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