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Ian Tomlinson unlawfully killed
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keith a
9596 posts

Re: Ian Tomlinson unlawfully killed
May 15, 2011, 23:00
PMM wrote:
Does it make me feel clever? Good grief, there it is again! The personalisation. The assumption that I'm attacking you.

You trying to say that your post wasn't personal? That you weren't attacking me? Try reading it again. Oh right, I notice its been edited now to include a whole lot more so it doesn't read quite so smartarse now.

PMM wrote:

keith a wrote:
You honestly don't think it doesn't go on here? That there are people who will disagree with something here but won't get involved because of the way they are likely to be be-littled by certain individuals? That there are people here who gladly dish it out and then say they're not talking anymore if someone stands up to them?

It certainly does Keith. I see it all the time. Rather than question your own beliefs, you choose to belittle others as "sanctimonious" or "Bullying". And then you behave like you're some kind of victim, just because you've been asked to justify your beliefs.

I won't attempt to humiliate you by providing links, but I reckon two things.

Firstly, that if you were to take the time to look, you would be hard pushed to find any personal attacks from the people you don't get on with here. Those that I assume you're accusing in the quote above.

Secondly, you won't make the effort to look. You'll just say you can't be bothered or some other form of saying you won't talk anymore because someone has stood up to you.

Blimey! So that's not personal then?

Cos I'm a real bully, aren't I? The type who will take on the whole gang all by himself presumably? Rather than the safety-in-numbers people like yourself who waits till Merrick posts a few things and then belatedly joins in, impersonating the great man himself.

No, PMM, I will stand up to the likes of you and Merrick even if it makes me unpopular with certain people. I won't bow down to people here if I don't agree with them. And if I think they're being sanctimonious or whatever I'll say so. So I didn't think your analogy was much cop? Get over it.

As for being a victim - no, not at all. If I tell someone their post is crass I'm gonna expect a certain amount of flack back. Or in your words, standing up to me. I'm not naive enough to think otherwise and I can live with it. I was referring to the people who decline to disagree with the chosen few here. But then you know what I mean, don't you?

But well done, star pupil. I'm sure teacher will give you a gold star tonight.

Blimey. Did I say all that in response to someone who stood up to me? How out of character.
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