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rightwing Dutch politician assassinated
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Re: bloody long reply part two
May 08, 2002, 15:59
>violence the main threat used by the police? I don’t think it is actually. [snip] But on a day-to-day basis what they mainly use is the threat of removal of liberty.

Yeah, and their threat to remove our liberty is a threat of violence! If we don't want our liberty removed (or to do something else that want of us) then they will use as much violence as it takes to do it. And we all know this and we all accept it. To the extent that they're rarely called upon to do it.

>As for the distinction between fascism and nazism, I’m kind of amazed at your argument. From what you wrote, nazi’s are just the same as fascists, but more so.

No, Nazism has far stronger emphasis on dictatorial principles and on the individual as being not so much an individual as a cell of the body of the State. Nazism is National Socialism. It will include far greater state provision and services than other forms of fascism (Nazi Germany's massive roadbuilding and infrastructure schemes, their introduction of the world's first proper natioanl health service, etc). This is distinct from, say Franco's Spain.

>I DO think its important to define such terms well, and not bandy them about to freely as it demeans them. But when you see a nazi you call them a fucking nazi.

Yeah, with you completely. But you have to be sure you're seeing a Nazi, and the BNP can readily prove they're not Nazis. This will make you look silly and thus stop people listening to all the important stuff you've got to say against the BNP.

>Berlusconi/Fortuyn & fascism. From what I’ve read, neither of them, probably are out and out fascists. I do not believe in there supposed anti-statism tho.

I'm prepared to believe it - they're into globalised freemarket capitalism. State controls are 'barriers to trade'.

The real problem that we have is that globalisation is increasing the gap between rich and poor, as nations and within nations. The resultant insecurity leads people to lok for scapegoats. Although much work's been done to point the finger with the anti-capitalist/dropthe debt stuff, it still leaves a vague target. People like something more tangible, and few things are easier to scapegoat than an ethnic or cultural minority.

The rise of the far right in Europe is directly due to insecurities brought on by freemarket capitalism; the low wages, the de-unionising, the removal of power from politicians to unelected bodies.

Tackling the far right parties is essential work, and - like most of us here - i find myself torn on issues like freedom of speech and coming down hard on people with a definite answer one way or the other. But tackling the far right is dealing with symptoms. We gotta hit the causes if we're really going to stop it.

>peace, love & revolution

see ya there!
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