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18 Nov Anti War Demo WAS Massive!
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matt saze
matt saze
19 posts

Re: 18 Nov Anti War Demo WAS Massive!
Nov 19, 2001, 14:06
You hit the nail on the head there FW, I knew stacks of people who couldn't make the demo but were there in spirit. Whilst in Germany they may be able to pull 450,000 (can't remember a demo in Germany quite that large though correct me if I'm wrong), they have the added benefit of a fully integrated transport system, whereas if youre tavelling from, say, Wales it'll easy cost £60 odd quid for a poxy day return. I heard the figure was 100,000 the guardian has a front cover pic and quotes the 100,000 and 15,000 figures for the event.
Best bit of day - when the muslims broke their fast and invited everybody to share the grub (yum yum).

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