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so gay?
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325 posts

Re: so gay?
Oct 15, 2004, 22:00
*Anyone here (across pond cuz's included) bothered by the increasing tendency of modern Americans using 'gay' as an adjective for something ineffective, stupid, unattractive, pathetic &c?*

most of all the kids aged 8 to 20 use the word gay in that very context, and yes it annoys me very much.
Riddley Walker
174 posts

Re: so gay?
Oct 15, 2004, 23:03
I think the 'new' use of the word is definately connected with it being a term for homosexuality but not directly. The current use seems to suggest not just crapness in a general sense, but particularly weakness, effeminacy etc. I don't think it's used necessarily in a overtly homophobic way, but that must be its root.
Popel Vooje
5373 posts

Re: so gay?
Oct 16, 2004, 21:36
<...flashy and ostentatious but in a totally misplaced uncool way...)

I've heard people I know use it in that sense as well. To be honest, I do find it slightly irritating that such naffness and misguided flamboyance is still associated with homosexuality. Of all the stereotyping gay people have to suffer, I reckon the fact that some people still imagine they all dress like Graham Norton must be the worst exapmle of the lot.
9547 posts

Re: so gay?
Oct 16, 2004, 23:19
Or Paul Lynde.
916 posts

Re: ps
Oct 17, 2004, 13:08
Yep, they have used it in a derogatory way, they don't do it now, so much, or not when they are around me anyway, the sad things is that they've picked it up from the playground, and it may have been in common use there. Although since the 14 yr old girl that got killed in Nottingham was shot in the street where their school is, in that area there are certainly bigger problems to deal with.

Old!! Bah, don't believe it for a minute, start listening to Radio 4 and then I'll think u r old
PS. My fave station ;-)
gin goose
9 posts

better than 'straight'
Oct 17, 2004, 17:13
If I were an inanimate object or a concept, I would be far happier (supposing I had emotions) to be described as GAY than STRAIGHT, get my drift??
706 posts

Re: so gay?
Oct 18, 2004, 17:09
ran into this a while back with oldest son (15), upon first time i heard 'm say it, got a rather stern lecture about the term and eqauating it with 'stupidity/lameness'...

he tried a couple of more times using it... and he received stern look... 'aven't heard it since... dunno if he's still doing it, but knows better around me...


Vybik Jon
Vybik Jon
7720 posts

Re: so gay?
Oct 18, 2004, 17:14
Just out of interest, lemom - what do you consider important? When you've responded to posts on these forums, it seems to me to inevitably be a dismissive response.
2148 posts

Re: so gay?
Oct 19, 2004, 02:24
It's used by my nieces (aged 7 and 12) and the kids at their school. It's a perjorative term meaning cissy, pathetic, wussy, clearly taken from the stereotype of homosexual men being overly camp and effeminate.

I picked my brother up on it but he didn't see much wrong. I asked him what he thought the gay kids in my niece;'s class would feel like, as if they weren't gonna be scared and confused enough already. He said he didn't think such kids would know they were gay yet.

This came in the same conversation that he'd talked about my niece and her classmates having boyfriends. It seems heterosexuality is normal, but homosexuality is some sort of aberration that comes later.
7087 posts

Re: so gay?
Oct 19, 2004, 10:49
Am I the only one that had heard this used for years, but largely by gay men?

Personally, although the perjorative use of the term has been around for ages, I think it's South Park that's popularised it.

Great programme, mind.
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