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10,000 year old wheat gives hope to farmers
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10,000 year old wheat gives hope to farmers
May 14, 2013, 13:01
A summery of an article which appeared in yesterday’s METRO newspaper:

Britain’s grain shortage could be eased by a 10,000 year old original wild ancestor of wheat. A new strain combining modern wheat varieties with an ancient forerunner has the potential to increase supplies by nearly a third. Scientists said the hybrid may also increase the crop’s resistance to disease and tolerance to drought.
It comes amid concerns about Britain’s wheat production following prolonged cold weather. Early trials suggest it could be bigger and stronger than modern varieties. Its synthetic breeding programme recreated a ‘chance hybridisation’ which saw wheat evolve from goat grass and other grains about 10,000 years ago.
The new crop will need extensive tests and regulatory approval. It could be 5 years before it is harvested by farmers.
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