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'Moments of Peace' (or that time of year again)
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Re: 'Moments of Peace' (or that time of year again)
Dec 14, 2010, 09:42
tiompan wrote:
thesweetcheat wrote:
drewbhoy wrote:
thesweetcheat wrote:
GLADMAN wrote:
Welcome back ....... aside from the certified Mr Bickerton... and the loony Mr D.... I don't think there's a more enthusiastic poster on TMA. Which is what it's all about.

I think you may have missed yourself off that list, Mr Modesty. Still, honourable company indeed. Nice to be back.

The Eternal, Mr T, Mega and Tjj and many many more all both agree that I am indeed a learned scholar, esteemed in my field (2 miles outside Turriff) astounding them with my knowledge about how rivers helped ancient people, lady luck and the Winter Olympics. I am now going to put my attention to Glastonbury Thorn issue, a prickly subject but Holly and Ivy are helping. After that I intend to discuss the Burning Bush and the true story about the Loch Ness Monster (not the barmaid in the pub at Dores!)
So I'm a very clever loony!!!! :-)

Burning Bush - I think there's a cream you can get for that.

Also the source of the barmaids nickname .

Oh, you know her too?
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