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Offerings at stones
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Re: Offerings at stones
May 13, 2006, 14:23
"Offerings should be restricted to paper money, tenners and twenties."

No, that would be stealing Nigel, what if some of those things left at the springs were from children, do they get the riot act? a sensible education lesson on pagan gods and shrines? and there have many of them. Those "foreign" tourists have probably come from Bath and have already cast their euros into the roman baths to some half formed, half wanting to believe water deity, just as those romans and britain did 2000 years ago, before that prehistoric people threw their offerings into shafts, by the trackways on the Somerset level, little wooden figurines, "killed" weapons....
In actual fact offerings are as old as the hills themselves, a need to placate the invisible beyond the physical world, the religious neme factor that Dawkins talks of.
Spirituality is expressed in both modern and ancient religions, and its not really up to us to denounce how it is expressed - its just happened right through history, which you can't alter of course.
The thing that has struck me in all this argument, that if you wish people to treat these sites with respect a "Spirit of Place" whether it is a Gaia vision, or a geni loci, you just have to accept it, and clear up after them in all humilty,(housewives have been doing it for years).

Moss x
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