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suave harv
suave harv
704 posts

Neg Dec of Recumbent. .
Jun 18, 2005, 09:30
The spreadsheets give three figure refrences to the recumbent in terms of Horizon Declination. With ones in bold meaning 'moon not visible'. Okay . .

So in 2500BC, all but 8 of the 59 recognisable RSCs would have had the moon setting between the flankers? That's a pretty strong argument for these circles being lunar based.
Now, my Astronomy's a bit rusty, (my scope has a Dobsonian mount, so Alt & azimuth never mattered to me!), but the moon doesn't set in the same spot each month does it? there's a variation. It moves along the horizon slightly. I've looked in Patrick Moore's 'Book Of The Moon' but can't find an answer.
So just how approximate is the -30 decl figure for 2500BC?
I'm often not persuaded by astro-archeology.

I don't know what's more amazing, the fact that they built so many circles the same way, or the fact they got so many wrong!
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