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Stone shifting - was it just about effort?
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Jan 20, 2004, 10:34
Money makes the world go round. Well, it does today, but it didn't then.

We love time-saving-devices because it allows us more time to earn the money to buy more time-saving-devices!

Time saved in the home is taken up by travelling many miles to work.

Work, work, work. The hours we work have not become (significantly) less due to labour saving devices - unless you are one of the people put out of work by labour saving devices. Our modern society craves change and 'improvement' because we want more money!

We are told that it helps us have more free time but that's bollocks. I spend around 3 hours a day with my family and 11 hours a day either travelling to or at work. Fair enough I have two days at the weekend, but one of those is spent shopping and one is spent having some fun.

I day out of seven to myself and all because of the need to buy/pay for labour saving devices and technology.

Shit innit!
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