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378 posts

Re: time and print
Sep 05, 2003, 20:15
I wouldn't concur entirely with all that about digital (I'm a bloody-minded git), but I do agree with your 'shit shows' theory. And the brain is the most important camera of all.

what sort of fine art photography are you pursuing?

treaclechops xx
morfe lux
301 posts

Re: time and print
Sep 05, 2003, 20:23
It' s hard to say! I just take what inspires me, or create something from something that inspires me. I have a gnashing disdain for people who produce 'lazy' prints (metamerism, poor zonal procedures in shadow range etc etc) and sell them off as fine art. just like to take pictures and print them well :-)

Maybe we could swap tips and inspirations? Do you have a website with any work? Me and my better half can be found at http://morfe.com , U can email us there too.


353 posts

Re: A pedant speaks
Sep 05, 2003, 20:29
Earthstepper cut his teeth in black and white with stinky chemicals under the stairs. Nothing beats burning and dodging with hands and card circles and then seeing the print emerge in the tray under the red safety light. But that was then. Now I use digital and film. Most of the stuff that I have sent to you is from film, commercially processed, scanned, cropped and slightly enhanced with photoshop. Digital is great for taking loads of shots and then deleting most - great for action shots. It makes you lazy with composition though. So for stones and landscape, it's careful composition, natural lighting and not gimmicky light faked from photoshop. If I was a real pedant I'd still be using a tripod, but I don't.
378 posts

Re: time and print
Sep 05, 2003, 20:40
Cool! I'm a bit simple (if I stuck a feather in the ground, I'd expect a chicken to grow), so could you tell me what 'metamerism' is, please?

I don't have a website as of yet, but I'm working on it; I'll swing by yours and drop you a line - it would be great if we can swap tips etc!

Warm regards,

treaclechops xx
morfe lux
301 posts

Re: A pedant speaks
Sep 05, 2003, 20:46
Heloo Earthstepper :-) I dodge and burn with a pressure tablet and a stylus via Photoshop! It's still dodging and burning, but you can do it more accurately. Technology eh? It takes away all the luck and wobblyness! I wish I could paint sometimes.
378 posts

Re: A pedant speaks
Sep 05, 2003, 20:50
Cool! All sounds very familiar!

I agree with digital making for lazy composition; I was shooting some pics of the lovely Karen at Uffington Castle, and suddenly went mad in a kind of David Hockney montage way. Which was bloody pointless, as I dumped all the crappily compositioned ones as soon as we downloaded them at home!

I am increasingly setting myself the target of doing *all* my composition in the viewfinder, then printing the full neg, with a bleed. It makes me feel very smug. :o)

treaclechops xx
378 posts

Re: Essential wobblyness
Sep 05, 2003, 20:51
I *rely* on wobblyness to get my results (and if you saw the darkroom I hire, you'd know what I mean!).

treaclechops xx
353 posts

Re: A pedant speaks
Sep 05, 2003, 20:51
Yeah, but you can't teach an old leopard too many new spots. I can guess what you do with a stylus, but wot's a pressure tablet?
378 posts

Re: A pedant speaks
Sep 05, 2003, 20:55


treaclechops xx
morfe lux
301 posts

Re: time and print
Sep 05, 2003, 20:55
Sorry TC, metamerism is a word for colour cast, but more specifically, when a print (for instance) displays a different tint under one light source (maybe it looks magenta under tungsten lighting) rather than the neutral effect desired. It plagues inkjet printing, you have to be careful matching paper stock and ink.

Now I'm so far off topic and geeking my brain out I can hear someone cocking a pistol...

Laters :-)
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