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Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin): A Memoir by Sly Stone
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Re: Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin): A Memoir by Sly Stone
Jan 21, 2024, 05:38
jaywbabcock wrote:
By complete coincidence, stumbled upon this last night as it was being premiered online. Pretty sure much of this 1973 live tv performance footage has been floating around forever, but I don't remember seeing the Little Sister song before, or the jawdropping opening: Sly, alone, in his most charismatic mode, doing a recital of Lord Buckley's The Nazz... before going into the final part of Stand, then walking through the crowd, in his silver spangled heels, to join his 11-piece band... and start the song over from a hushed beginning.

Some excellent footage on that show. I've watched this version of "If You Want Me To Stay" over and over. Sly seems completely out of it and yet totally in control. Amazing how knowing when to balance the loose and the tight elements of a song can bring the groove to another level. Sly was a master.

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