The Jehovahcoat Demos
Written and recorded throughout 1993CE in direct response to having been dropped by Island Records, THE JEHOVAHCOAT DEMOS is an intense 65-minute journey through the music and mind of the Archdrude during his research period for both KRAUTROCKSAMPLER and THE MODERN ANTIQUARIAN. There are 15 killer tracks, plus 5 previously unpublished poems in a sixteen-page booklet. And the name THE JEHOVAHCOAT DEMOS? Throughout that immediate post-Island Records period, Cope’s erstwhile cohort and sometime producer D‑R ‘Donn-eye’ Skinner referred constantly to wearing his imaginary ‘Jehovahcoat’, this being – according to Donn-eye – the ultimate Cope promo item. And so this mythical garment is now celebrated herein with these 5 unpublished poems and 15 between-time tracks all laid down during that wyrd period of ‘Jehovahcoat’.
- Boskawen-un
- Hanging Out With Emma Jame When Emma Jane’s A Junkie
- Sunhoney
- Know Alternatives
- Preternatural Sitcom
- Wrath Of Can’t
- Theme From ‘Jehovahcoat’
- Time And Space
- Tyrebagger
- Headshopping
- El Sqwubbsy’s Machu Picchu Revelation
- Baby, My Mind Stood Up
- Riding On The Crest Of A Slump
- Albany
- Julian The Apostate