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Soundtracks Of Our Lives w/e 4th April 2010 CE
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Re: Soundtracks Of Our Lives w/e 4th April 2010 CE
Apr 05, 2010, 08:52
Squid Tempest wrote:
machineryelf wrote:
Oneohtrix Point Never - Rifts heads up to Squid for pushing me in the direction of this, admittedly it does sound a bit 'Now Thats wWhat I Call Tangerine Dream 73-77' but carved up into small & varied enough chunks to make it worth interesting, some absolute gems spread acoss the 2cds and all are worth a listen

Glad you like it. It is still getting regular airing here, and, if anything, I'm enjoying it more now.

It's a grower isn't it, was quite confused at the press adulation it got on release as I have to a certain extent heard it all before, but the guy does a sterling job of it.
I see he has links with Emeralds who plough the same furrow but manage IMHO to sound like a watered down Cluster/Neu clone unlike OPN who manages the clever trick of sounding both new & familiar
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