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Soundtracks Of Our Lives w/e 4th April 2010 CE
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Re: Soundtracks Of Our Lives w/e 4th April 2010 CE
Apr 04, 2010, 16:34
Oneohtrix Point Never - Rifts heads up to Squid for pushing me in the direction of this, admittedly it does sound a bit 'Now Thats wWhat I Call Tangerine Dream 73-77' but carved up into small & varied enough chunks to make it worth interesting, some absolute gems spread acoss the 2cds and all are worth a listen

Aphex Twin-Ambient Works 85-92 makes a nice companion piece to Oneohtrix

Neurosis & Jarboe - s/t

Main - Hydra-Calm shoegaze innit LOL

Cathedral - Endtyme tradDOOOOOOOM masterpiece-spent all me money other things so until I can afford the new one this will do admirably

Bong - Gilgamesh Lives

Black Boned Angel - Verdun

JAMC - The Sound of Speed

Boris-Absolute Go,Akuma No Uta,Heavy Rocks, Pink,At Last-Feedbacker been on a bot of a Boris kick this week, always thought Boris a case of style over substance but slowly I've been coming to the conclusion that they are in fact a first class band with the added bonus of first class packaging, just picked up a copy of Pink with the acid blotter inlay and a clear pink splattered inlay tray and realised that my little collection of Boris cds need a space of their own along with the Spiritualized cds in the corner marked cd presentation that kicks ass

Spectrum meets Captain Memphis-Indian Giver in the corner marked giving A&E a good run for its money, wish I could have seen the recent live show

MV&EE - Gettin Gone,Goodbye Moonface where MV,EE & friends channel the spirits of Neil Young & the Grateful Dead respectively, makes me even more annoyed I missed them live recently because of work, was looking at their discography the other day, makes AMTs look simple I would hate being an MVEE completist as they have more record labels than I've had hot dinners

Van Morrison - Astral Weeks on a unremastered 1987 cd, still sounds damn fine to me, not a huge Van fan but I do enjoy this disc immensely
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