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Re: u can't beat yr brain for entertainment
Apr 27, 2002, 13:40

I understand this dilemma, and I guess it's this 'compromise' that needs to be sorted by people in their own various and ingenuous ways when they have kids. At the moment, however, kids are barely surviving only on ONE extreme - not even taking them to the land at weekends exceeds the 'virtual' reality of the trip. Like a trip to the stones, you drive there, check the rubble, take a pic and get back to your 9-5 rota.

Others would argue (including me at times) that the kids DO indeed need exposure to the 'filthy world' so as to survive later in the (ha!) 'real' world (lest they end up as new age wimps). But no-one can deny that the *essential* weapon that IS missing now should form the core of a kid's education, which would allow them to freak'n'roll as well as be able to cut through the crap, the inane and the emptiness in today's society. Isolation (as in sects, etc) is out of the question. Hence the creation of this 'dilemma'.

Needless to say, you've stimulated mine for the rest of the week with your excellent posting. Great speaking to you.

Love to you,

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