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18 Nov Anti War Demo WAS Massive!
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18 Nov Anti War Demo WAS Massive!
Nov 19, 2001, 10:15
Great turnout at the anti-war demo yesterday, with so many different people of all ages & denominations. Had the coincidental fortune of bumping into an old mate & a few other acquaintances we'd not seen in a few years, among the thronging thousands! It was pretty huge, and so warranted only 10 seconds of TV news coverage, while five minutes was devoted to two testosterone-fuelled meatheads punching each others lights out. Good to see the media getting their priorities right, for a change....
One thing that made me giggle, though, was on some of the banners (I think Socialist Worker but not sure) there was the following comedy e-mail address:-

[email protected]

I'm sure there were plenty other of you Heads there - so how was it for you?

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