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Help sought with research
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Help sought with research
May 15, 2002, 04:07
Hi all! I have a request for soem research help and I thought those who frquent this site might be able to help.
I am presenting a paper at a travel writing conference at Univ. of Aberdeen at summer solstice. My topic is the unintentional destruction of sacred sites (standing stones and longbarrows in particular) by well-intentioned pagans/pilgrims who leave candles, flowers (which decay inside longbarrows and cause erosion), coins, crystals and other ritual offerings.
I am particularly interested in accounts which could be considered "travel writing" or accounts of day trips or lobger visits/pilgrimages, especially the impressions of neo-pagans, etc.
I first became aware of the extent of this problem after attending the Ancient Sacred Landscapes Network conference in Banbury in summer 2000.
Any and all impressions and thoughts welcome! Feel free to email me privately if you have questions or would like to help. All contributors' confidentiality respected.

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